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  • About England
  • economy
  • welfare

About England

England is the heart of the British Kingdom and one of the most important countries in the world. This country is one of the political and economic leaders of Europe and culturally it has a great impact on all of Europe and even America. England is the fifth economy in the world and in terms of GDP the second in Europe and the tenth country in the word. In 2014, the UK GDP was about 3 trillion dollars.
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Educational immigration to England

As always, one of the best ways to immigrate is educational immigration. It is enough for you to be accepted by an institution or university, then you can apply for a study visa.

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Tier 4 visa

The Tier 4 visa, or the UK student visa, is divided into two categories: Tier 4 General visa and Tier 4 Child visa.

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General Tier 4 visa

The Tier 4 General visa is for people aged 17.5 years and older, and people with the age of less than 17 years and 6 months get a Tier 4 child visa.

British economy

The financial services sector plays an important role in the British economy, and the city of London is considered one of the largest financial centers in the world, and its stock exchange is extremely important. Banks, insurance companies, commodity exchanges and many important financial centers are located in London, which still maintain their role as the lords in the world economy. The British Ministry of Economy emphasizes both public and private sectors equally, and the country's gross domestic product is based on two sectors: industry and services. In order to attract capital for the economic development of that country, in exchange for investing in government projects, Dominica grants citizenship and citizenship rights to the investor.
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Immigration to England through work permit

It is also possible to immigrate to England through work permit. However, keep in mind that in this case you also need to prove your financial potential.

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Tier 2 visa

To work in the UK, you need to get a Tier 2 visa, which is conditional on receiving a job offer from an English employer.

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UK work visa

The UK work visa is issued for a maximum period of 5 years and 14 days, and can be extended for another 5-year period. The cost of work immigration to England includes the cost of insurance, financing and the cost of visa application.

British welfare services

When it comes to welfare services, we must talk about the British public insurance, which is rare among developed countries. Care is provided throughout England under the authority of the National Health Service (NHS). The NHS provides medical care through a tripartite structure of primary care, hospitals and health care. All NHS services are free to citizens.
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financial services

The city of London is one of the largest financial centers in the world and its stock exchange is extremely important. Banks, insurance companies, commodity exchanges and many important financial centers are located in London

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Welfare Services

Welfare Services are provided throughout England under the authority of the National Health Service (NHS). The NHS provides medical care through a tripartite structure of primary care, hospitals and health care.

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Educational services

All these issues, along with the high chance of immigrants to grow in the British society and the excellent facilities of higher education, make England a unique destination for immigration.

Types of investment immigration to England

In the following, we will learn about the types of UK investment visas.

  • Startup visa
  • UK innovation visa
  • Buying bonds

Startup visa

England, like many countries, gives visas to creative and productive startups. You must come up with a creative and innovative business plan and find a government-approved sponsor for it. In addition, to obtain a UK startup visa, you must be fluent in English at the level of B2. You can invest from 0 to 50 thousand pounds for this type of migration. Increasing investment increases the chances of attracting investors. This visa is 2 years and non-renewable.

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UK innovation visa

In order to obtain an innovation visa in the UK, you must attract an endorsing body by submitting an approval plan. You need at least £50,000 of personal capital for this. With this visa, you can get permanent residence after 3 years. The interesting thing here is that if you don't have a plan, you can buy someone else's plan.

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Buying bonds

If you are from the stock market and financial market, one of the ways to invest in England is to buy government bonds. However, the problem of this plan is that it requires a high amount of investment. In this plan, you have to invest at least 2 million pounds in bonds to get residency. Initially, a 3-year residence is granted, which can be extended for another 2 years. After 5 years, your stay becomes permanent. If you increase the investment amount to 5 million, you will get permanent residence for 3 years.

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Immigrate to England through marriage

Like many countries, one of the ways to immigrate to England is to marry a British citizen. If you marry a British citizen or have an English partner, you can get it. The conditions of this stay include the following: